Tools and their uses

Depending on food to be processed (vegetable, meat, fish...) and the operation you want to perform (julienne, scalloping...), the tool and the gesture may be different.

In order to help you in this choice, you will find, below, the description of the cook's tools to start.

Our advice:

The purchase of a selection of professional knives is an investment that you make for many years to come. We therefore advise you, for greater satisfaction, to limit your initial purchase to 10 or 15 necessary tools to start and to complete the assortment only as you progress and make your culinary choices.

Back of house

To decorate, To peel, To trim,
To peel, To hull, To shape,
To peel, To shape,
To chisel, To carve,
To chisel, To slice, To trim,
To chisel, To peel, To fillet,
To chisel, To slice, To slice,
To clarify, To flip, To serve,
To cut, To decorate,
To break, To cut, To carve,
To slice, To trim,
To filter, To strain,
To cover, To set, To smooth,
To cover, To set,
To Peel, To grate, To zest,
To decorate, To zest,
To carve, To trim,
To remove fish bones,
To decorate, To scoop out,
To protect oneself,

Bakery - Pastry

meat work

Fish cash

Front of house
